Friday, February 22, 2008

New Junk

Well, I've recently received a new cat, she is about 3-5 years old, bobtailed and terrified, she had been living alone for 3 months because her owner died and no one took her in, then I hear that they are thinking of putting her down so I adopted her. She is soo cute, but she hasn't left the cat carrier, not even to get food so I put the food in there, and now I am going to move her cat box closer. Poor Baby, no one knew her name so I named her Baby.
In other new things, I borrowed 1080 Avalanche from my friend and my sisters went crazy on it! Not that I mind because that means that they will catch up to my level soon, even though dearest Sibling has beaten me in the tricks department.
Sibling is my sister closest in age to me and Midget is my youngest sister, though I don't have a nickname for Kristie.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


We've gotten so much snow recently, the total is 17 inches but I have the measurements from one snowfall. Then it snowed again. I think another front is coming in tonight or tomorrow. (hope NOT, I've already shoveled out the driveway twice...and a half).