Friday, December 11, 2009


We have snow!!!! It is 9:00 in the morning and I am at my friend's house, and there is about 2 inches of snow on the ground, the roads have not been plowed and there is about 3 inches at my house. Sorry mu fingers are a little weird in the morning.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


For the past week, it has been 12 degrees!!!!! At night, 14 when we wake up and today we have gotten a high of 33 degrees. A pipe in our kitchen froze last night, so nothing was going down the drain, and it was going all over the kitchen floor. But it defrosted by this afternoon.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Transiberian Orchestra Concert

I went to see the Transiberian Orchestra at the Arco Arena In Sacramento. It, was, AWESOME!!!!! The singers, the music, the hot guitar player.... They had pyrotechnics with flames shooting into the air and fire works! We had floor seats so we were really close, I was six seats away from the isle where the band members would go running by randomly. I had lots of fun and the band had lots of fun too. Oh and there was a snow machine so our section of the audience got snowed on. A kid in the front got a guitar signed by the whole band. It was cool.

Grandpa is staying with us right now...might kick Nancy out of her room, which means she will stay in the room will both me and Jacquie...which give us a great excuse to clean out the basement, seal up the floor and move down there.

I did a little experiment the other day, I got a gummy worm and put it in a bowl of cold water too see what would happen. A few hours later I got the results and it was cool.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

JOB!!! *happy dance*

I have a job, through RUSH up here, at the road department. I wake up at 5:15 a.m. to be there before 6:30, and I get off at 5:00 p.m. Flagging, mowing along the road, and maintaining the trucks and equipment is what I have helped on. I have done some flagging in the heat, and in the chilly morning. I have helped change oil and filters, grease the joints, check the brakes...start the big dump truck. ^_^

Today unfortunately, my coveralls sleeve got snagged by the oil spigot and I ended up pumping oil down the sleeve, which I didn't notice until it spilled down my side. So my pants and shirts got covered in oil. I had to go home and change, wipe off so the oil didn't burn me, and get the cloths into the tub with dish soap, to try to get the oil out before it could ruin my cloths.

I also started learning how to drive a stick shift today. They had me practicing in one of their Ford F-350 diesel without a plow on the front. ... AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I kinda don't like a stick shift. I did okay, but I just don't like it, maybe because the clutch was so hard to push in, I actually got it down pretty good, but I really don't like it when there are people behind me or around me. I want to be more used to driving a stick before trying around in town. I only was driving for 20-25 minutes.

But all that aside, I really like my job. Really.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pics and stuff

Well, this is what happened to the basement over the weekend... thursday...lastweek sometime. And my car -_-

Friday, May 15, 2009

1st Car Accident

Hello there, about an hour ago I got into my first car accident. I backed into a tree going somewhere around 5-10 miles an hour. The tire on the back shoved in the back door and busted out the rear window. No bumper damage and I am fine, except for being very mad at myself for doing something so stupid. My poor car, I called my mom and had a good cry but I am fine.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I went to the showing of Subject B-5 Friday night at the local coffee shop. It had a good story, the camera work was a little shaky (but hey this is a movie done in Trinity County, on practically no money) and the sound needed some work but I liked it. It was worth the late nights and cold we had to deal with, not to mention all the fake blood that was splattered all over us multiple times. You can see the trailer on youtube by clicking on the above link.

Last night I went to see Star Trek and it was AWESOME!!! We are so getting it when it comes out on DVD. I personally haven't been able to see lots of Star Trek, but I know enough to get all the little hints here and there from the show.

I learned last night that there was a scene after the credits of X-Men Origins Wolverine, one that I missed. So I will just have to go back and see it again, oh pity me. ^_^ (I think I spelled something wrong again.)

So yeah, look at the trailer, there was a rumor that they were going to put the movie up on Youtube as well, but they are trying to sell DVDs of the movie as well. So I don't know.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May Flowers and Showers

Well, weeks ago when we were slaving away in the garden, it was hot and sunny, then as soon as we start getting stuff planted and growing, it drops to 34 degrees and RAINS for most of the week. Oh well, I like the rain.

I had gone to see the midnight showing of X-Men Origins Wolverine, where i saw Nancy's boyfriend dressed as Logan, and another friend as Remy. I do not have a pic of Remy, he ran out of the theatre before I could get a pic.

We had some good flowers out on the trees, just a bit of random information, and an excuse to put more pictures up.

Kitten gave us another kill yesterday, a bird, this is her third one. The first the mouse, then a moth (she carried up to the door and left it for us so it counts) and now the bird, she is becoming such a good hunter, she even shared with Nelly.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I saw Monsters vs. Aliens, it was funny. Then I went and saw Fast and Furious. Oh My Gosh!!! IT WAS AWESOME!!!! I had to see it twice! It was soo great!! Then I went and rented the first two movies, Tokyo Drift doesn't count as one of the movies, it is like #2.5 and not #3, so this new one was the third.^_^ Brian is cool.

Week Off

Well, we have our week off, and not much is happening. The garden has been worked on and it needs to be tilled now, the boxes made and stuff planted. The burn piles will also be burned this weekend, and stuff. Basement still needs work, and we have baby chickens in the other bathroom.

Monday, March 16, 2009

FINALLY!! Did I spell that right?????

Spelling hates me, oh well. Anyway, I finally found the camera, so I took pictures of the basement and what I need to do with it.

We had a bit of a scare these last few days, my littlest sister Jacquie, stepped on Kitten, Nancy's cat, on her neck. Then she stopped running around, playing, and bothering Nelly. Then she refused treats and TUNA!!! There was something officially wrong with her, we just didn't know what. For the past two days, Kitten has been laying around sleeping, not eating or getting any water, she cries out when ever someone picks her up, and she doesn't want to go outside. (Nancy, mom left the door open when she went to the garden and Kitten has wanted to go out ever since, and I have let her BUT ONLY when I am out there as well.) But just now she has eaten some food and JUMPED up onto a pile of laundry, I think she'll be fine. Though I might miss having her sleep with me, she has been doing that and I have found that I don't mind long as she isn't sleeping ON me.

Some flowers are starting to bloom around here so I have that, it has been in the low 70's for the past couple of days, really nice, we got a little bit of rain last night but it is still warm.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Rain again

This last weekend, my friends and I were planning on going down to Meghan's house and help around the place. Her mother was at a Quilt Show, and Meghan needed to watch the dog anyway, so we planned on keeping her company. We left Friday night, after another friend's wedding. The wedding was nice, small, but fun. And I have pictures of Meghan looking pretty, unfortunatly, not digital ones. Anyway, we went down, it was dark, a little cold and wet, got the fire going (me the pyro) scared a bear, it scared me, fun stuff like that.

The next morning we gathered up some gardening tools and started working on the fruit trees in the back yard. They had little sucker trees growing and we had to get rid of them, Meghan and Susan mainly worked on the cutting and hauling of the sucker limbs, while I focused on one apple tree, then the blackberry bushes. We worked 4 hours straight on those trees, I got two prickly tumble weeds of blackberry bushes as big as me cut out. (Tumble weeds because I rolled the piles of cut vines with a rake into the burn pile) Only an hour after we took a break it started raining. And it didn't stop all weekend...I think it continued to Tuesday.

We all felt good about ourselves, getting it all cleaned up. We are planning on reviving the garden area too this year, and watering the trees so we get lots of good apples (Sue's apples are the BEST ever!! If you can get through the blackberry bushes to get to the tree ^_^) I even brought down a load of wood for her, she was almost out, so she should have wood for a week or two until someone gives her some. (They always do that) The rain kinda put a halt to our yard work for that weekend, and it looks like it is going to rain all this weekend too, but at least we got stuff done before it got bad, and, there is always the basement to clean out. *shudder*

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Basement Start!

I started cleaning the basement today, with the help of my friend. We got bags and bags of old cloths ready to take to the Blue Barn. My car is full of trash to take to the dump, mom's car is starting to fill up with recycle stuff, and my dad is already complaining. (Of course) And in case he reads my blog, I will not say what I am getting rid of. Hopefully we will be able to get the basement cleaned out and fixed up soon, it will be nice.

We are getting snow, but right now there seems to be a spot of clear weather all around us, so everyone is getting snow, we are getting sprinkled with rain.

Hey, since Monday is a Holiday, I might start working on the basement again. (Yes Kristie, it is going to get cleaned, and all the...magazines...will be in their...rightful place.) ^_^

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Perfect Timing

Well, as soon as Nancy left to go to L.A. it started snowing, and it hasn't stopped. We now have 8 inches and it is still snowing horse feathers. (large snowflakes) My lovely Trooper is unfortunatly in the shop at the moment, getting a leak repaired so I have no way to get way from the house, hopefully there are no emergencies that need a driver. My truck can take this weather dang it!!! And he's in the shop!!! *ahem*

Sorry. Yesterday, after it had been snowing for... 2 hours, my friend tried to get me home in her car, a low riding Firebird. She slipped her way up one hill, then almost slid off the second, we were stuck in both lanes crookedly, but I was able to push it to get it moving. She got up to the flat part, then decided to turn around and let me walk home. I agreed. The plow went by and she followed it down. By the time she got to the bottom, it was if the plow had never gone by. She spun out when she tried to turn up Main street, but was able to spin around again in the right direction and make it home. So now her car is buried under 8 inches of snow, and she is not stuck at our house for a week, like two years ago.

So Nancy, if you are reading this, you got out of her at the perfect time, I know you don't like snow.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Where is WINTER???

Hello, there. This is me coming from my sunny little hometown in Northern California. Where is has been a nice 60 degree average for the past 2 weeks, and 20 degrees at night.
We had ONE day of rain last week, ONE, and it didn't last that long or rain very much either.
There is almost no more snow on the mountains, the only reason there still is, is because it FREEZES every night, 20 degrees, and doesn't warm up much, so there is not much melting.
Where is the snow?
Was the 3 inches all we get this winter???
Where is the moisture? It is cold enough to snow but with nothing wet, we might have wild fires in winter, it is so dry.
I was actually able to go outside without a sweater a couple times, and it is January. Feels more like a dry March.

Well, my sister is getting ready to go live with my big sister down in L.A., which means I soon won't have to share a room with my little sister. I can get the bed out of Nancy's room, put it in the living room, change her room back into a sewing room and put the bed in the basement that I will change into my room...I wonder if i can get the dish cable to go down there. Oh I am so ready to be picking up my OWN messes (which are few and far between ^_^) instead of my little sister's which are a safety hazard. I almost stepped on a glass plate that she had left on the floor. With the light off it was impossible to see. I was lucky I just kicked it and hurt my toes, if I had stepped on it, I would be blogging you about my stay in the hospital.

Wow, what a rant...I feel a little better. Now all I have to do is get the measurements of the basement so I can draw up some design plans, stuff like that is just so fun. lol

My cat likes to go outside, not very far, just a few steps. A few days ago we had brought in wood and Nancy forgot to close the door, Nelly (my cat) went outside to sniff around and I closed the door, not knowing that she was out there.
A little later, I can hear her meowing but I didn't know where she was, finally Nancy's cat (Kitten) started acting really weird around her bedroom window (it looks out on the front deck.) Nancy opened the blinds and was just in time to see Nelly coming down from a leap at the window, one that she repeated until Nancy ran and opened the door. She ran inside and went strait for the basement, terrified. I felt so bad, I felt like the worst cat person ever. I spent the next half an hour consoling her and brushing her, trying to make her as happy as possible. I am really glad that she didn't run off, or get eaten or hurt by a wild animal.

Kristie gave us some books recently, one of them was a new Mercedes Lackey book, Foundation, it takes place as they are building the Heralds' Collegium so I had to visualize a completely different place for what was going threw me off for a bit, but I loved it!! I LOVE all her books. ^_^