Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Perfect Timing

Well, as soon as Nancy left to go to L.A. it started snowing, and it hasn't stopped. We now have 8 inches and it is still snowing horse feathers. (large snowflakes) My lovely Trooper is unfortunatly in the shop at the moment, getting a leak repaired so I have no way to get way from the house, hopefully there are no emergencies that need a driver. My truck can take this weather dang it!!! And he's in the shop!!! *ahem*

Sorry. Yesterday, after it had been snowing for... 2 hours, my friend tried to get me home in her car, a low riding Firebird. She slipped her way up one hill, then almost slid off the second, we were stuck in both lanes crookedly, but I was able to push it to get it moving. She got up to the flat part, then decided to turn around and let me walk home. I agreed. The plow went by and she followed it down. By the time she got to the bottom, it was if the plow had never gone by. She spun out when she tried to turn up Main street, but was able to spin around again in the right direction and make it home. So now her car is buried under 8 inches of snow, and she is not stuck at our house for a week, like two years ago.

So Nancy, if you are reading this, you got out of her at the perfect time, I know you don't like snow.

1 comment:

Nancy H. said...

YAY! I missed the snow! Was school cancelled?