Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Where is WINTER???

Hello, there. This is me coming from my sunny little hometown in Northern California. Where is has been a nice 60 degree average for the past 2 weeks, and 20 degrees at night.
We had ONE day of rain last week, ONE, and it didn't last that long or rain very much either.
There is almost no more snow on the mountains, the only reason there still is, is because it FREEZES every night, 20 degrees, and doesn't warm up much, so there is not much melting.
Where is the snow?
Was the 3 inches all we get this winter???
Where is the moisture? It is cold enough to snow but with nothing wet, we might have wild fires in winter, it is so dry.
I was actually able to go outside without a sweater a couple times, and it is January. Feels more like a dry March.

Well, my sister is getting ready to go live with my big sister down in L.A., which means I soon won't have to share a room with my little sister. I can get the bed out of Nancy's room, put it in the living room, change her room back into a sewing room and put the bed in the basement that I will change into my room...I wonder if i can get the dish cable to go down there. Oh I am so ready to be picking up my OWN messes (which are few and far between ^_^) instead of my little sister's which are a safety hazard. I almost stepped on a glass plate that she had left on the floor. With the light off it was impossible to see. I was lucky I just kicked it and hurt my toes, if I had stepped on it, I would be blogging you about my stay in the hospital.

Wow, what a rant...I feel a little better. Now all I have to do is get the measurements of the basement so I can draw up some design plans, stuff like that is just so fun. lol

My cat likes to go outside, not very far, just a few steps. A few days ago we had brought in wood and Nancy forgot to close the door, Nelly (my cat) went outside to sniff around and I closed the door, not knowing that she was out there.
A little later, I can hear her meowing but I didn't know where she was, finally Nancy's cat (Kitten) started acting really weird around her bedroom window (it looks out on the front deck.) Nancy opened the blinds and was just in time to see Nelly coming down from a leap at the window, one that she repeated until Nancy ran and opened the door. She ran inside and went strait for the basement, terrified. I felt so bad, I felt like the worst cat person ever. I spent the next half an hour consoling her and brushing her, trying to make her as happy as possible. I am really glad that she didn't run off, or get eaten or hurt by a wild animal.

Kristie gave us some books recently, one of them was a new Mercedes Lackey book, Foundation, it takes place as they are building the Heralds' Collegium so I had to visualize a completely different place for what was going threw me off for a bit, but I loved it!! I LOVE all her books. ^_^

1 comment:

Kristen said...

for real. it's even warm for LA lately. we just had the warmest January of record. good grief.

hope your plans for the basement all work out!