Friday, February 25, 2011

House Sitting

I have the opportunity to house sit for a few weeks, today I am sick as no other and missed a day of work. Bleh. I don't like missing work, I feel as though I am letting my coworkers down. But I have had difficulty breathing deeply, have a fever, and a nasty cough. So being outside in the snow all day after staying up most of the night coughing, and potentially getting my coworkers sick...not a good idea. Nap now.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Now that I am working, and getting paid, I have found that I don't want to eat the candy bar that I can now afford, I only need a handful of chips to satisfy me, and I haven't thought about ice cream until just now. I haven't noticed if I have lost any weight, (the scale says from 144-154 daily) but I like being outside and have found that I am a happier person...mostly.