Well, weeks ago when we were slaving away in the garden, it was hot and sunny, then as soon as we start getting stuff planted and growing, it drops to 34 degrees and RAINS for most of the week. Oh well, I like the rain.
I had gone to see the midnight showing of X-Men Origins Wolverine, where i saw Nancy's boyfriend dressed as Logan, and another friend as Remy. I do not have a pic of Remy, he ran out of the theatre before I could get a pic.
We had some good flowers out on the trees, just a bit of random information, and an excuse to put more pictures up.
Kitten gave us another kill yesterday, a bird, this is her third one. The first the mouse, then a moth (she carried up to the door and left it for us so it counts) and now the bird, she is becoming such a good hunter, she even shared with Nelly.