Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pics and stuff

Well, this is what happened to the basement over the weekend... thursday...lastweek sometime. And my car -_-

Friday, May 15, 2009

1st Car Accident

Hello there, about an hour ago I got into my first car accident. I backed into a tree going somewhere around 5-10 miles an hour. The tire on the back shoved in the back door and busted out the rear window. No bumper damage and I am fine, except for being very mad at myself for doing something so stupid. My poor car, I called my mom and had a good cry but I am fine.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I went to the showing of Subject B-5 Friday night at the local coffee shop. It had a good story, the camera work was a little shaky (but hey this is a movie done in Trinity County, on practically no money) and the sound needed some work but I liked it. It was worth the late nights and cold we had to deal with, not to mention all the fake blood that was splattered all over us multiple times. You can see the trailer on youtube by clicking on the above link.

Last night I went to see Star Trek and it was AWESOME!!! We are so getting it when it comes out on DVD. I personally haven't been able to see lots of Star Trek, but I know enough to get all the little hints here and there from the show.

I learned last night that there was a scene after the credits of X-Men Origins Wolverine, one that I missed. So I will just have to go back and see it again, oh pity me. ^_^ (I think I spelled something wrong again.)

So yeah, look at the trailer, there was a rumor that they were going to put the movie up on Youtube as well, but they are trying to sell DVDs of the movie as well. So I don't know.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May Flowers and Showers

Well, weeks ago when we were slaving away in the garden, it was hot and sunny, then as soon as we start getting stuff planted and growing, it drops to 34 degrees and RAINS for most of the week. Oh well, I like the rain.

I had gone to see the midnight showing of X-Men Origins Wolverine, where i saw Nancy's boyfriend dressed as Logan, and another friend as Remy. I do not have a pic of Remy, he ran out of the theatre before I could get a pic.

We had some good flowers out on the trees, just a bit of random information, and an excuse to put more pictures up.

Kitten gave us another kill yesterday, a bird, this is her third one. The first the mouse, then a moth (she carried up to the door and left it for us so it counts) and now the bird, she is becoming such a good hunter, she even shared with Nelly.