Saturday, June 26, 2010

Proud or Distirbed?

Last night my cat, Nelly, caught her first mouse (first since we've gotten her) and like a good thoughtfull cat, she brought it up into my parents room, still alive. Earlier that day, my mom had gone downstairs to get something, and saw Nelly at the door that led to the no so nice part of the basement. Nelly looked up at her and started meowing away, so my mom opened the door and she was off like a shot. Since we couldn't close the door and trap her back there, my mom left the door open and continued on with her business. Which is why, she later carried a still living mouse upstairs to show us she is taking care of us.

Today she got another one, or the same one since the other cat scared her away from hewr first catch and proptly lost then they were outside so it wasn't too bad. I love my cat.

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